Monday, March 19, 2012

Coach Profile- Qiji Wang

Qiji Wang is one of the newest members of College Forward- Houston. He joined the organization in January 2012 and serves as a Junior College Coach at Sterling High School.

  • Where are you originally from?
    • I am from Zhengzhou, China and I came to the United States when I was 14 years old. I lived in Brooklyn, NY before moving to Houston to accept a position as a Junior College Coach.
  • Where did you graduate from?
    • Cuny City College with a Bachelor's and Master's in Chemistry
  • What brought you to College Forward?
    • I have always been fascinated by the South, and moving to Houston is very alluring
  • What is your favorite thing about working here?
    • I like the many hats that I wear. My college friends see me as a community leader. Other teachers seem me as a team captain. But most importantly, my students see me as their big brother, who is going to guide them through their college application process.
  • If you could describe College Forward in 5 words, what would they be?
    • I would say College Forward is all about being fun, caring, loving, responsible, and knowledgeable
  • What has been your biggest accomplishment at College Forward thus far?
    • My biggest accomplishment so far is gaining my students' trust and helping them apply for scholarships
  • What is your favorite thing about living in Houston?
    • The friendly local residents
  • What is your favorite food?
    • Halal chicken with rice
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
    • I enjoy all types of music but my favorite is country
  • What is your favorite place to go in Houston?
    • I love Hermann Park- very relaxing and a great place to take pictures
  • Do you have any talents or hobbies?
    • Photography
  • What is your favorite restaurant in Houston?
    • I love the food at Kim Son. It is a Vietnamese restaurant located in Chinatown
  • And last not but not least- what advice would you give to future coaches?
    • Introduce yourself to people who are key to your success

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