Thursday, May 24, 2012

Eisenhower Senior Prom

Eisenhower Coaches

It was an epic day last Friday as Eisenhower coaches got to chaperon their first prom!!!!!!!! It was exciting for the coaches to see all of their students in their beautiful dresses and dapper tuxes and of course a ton of pictures were taken! Enjoy!

Coach Jess with her Howard University bound student- Marcus Livingston
Coach Teanna with the best counselor in the world- Ms. Arrington
Coach Jess and Xenia posing with a future A&M Aggie- Inice Warren

Coach Xenia with the best art teacher in the world- Dr. Kelley

College Forward Seniors Mirna Calderon and Heydy Sanchez

Prom King and Queen!
And finally for the best picture of the night, we present Coach Xenia and Dustin as prom king and queen! Coach Dustin's dream of becoming prom king (he lost by 8 votes in high school) finally came true!!!! Congrats!!!

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