Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Houston AmeriCorps Awareness Week

Christi and Xenia showing off their AmeriCorps pride
Last week was Houston AmeriCorps Week! It was a week dedicated to bringing awareness of AmeriCorps to the general public. Also, it is a time in which current AmeriCorps members come together to serve their community by doing additional volunteering. On May 18th, College Forward volunteered at Magnolia Community Garden, which is located in one of the oldest Mexican-American neighborhoods on the southeast side of Houston. The garden provides fresh vegetables for the community and so CoFo members helped clean up and mulch.

Group pic after working all morning in the garden
The following Monday, there was an AmeriCorps alumni get together at Under the Volcano. It is a bar located in the West University area and on Mondays they have $15 steaks!

Dustin and Trey at Under the Volcano
On Tuesday, College Forward went down to City Hall to meet Mayor Annise Parker. It was there that the Mayor recognized AmeriCorps and all of its efforts in front of city council. It was especially exciting for CoFo members as they had the opportunity to pose for a bunch of pictures with Ms. Parker.

Mayor Annise Parker and College Forward
After the City Council meeting, College Forward helped make puppets for autistic children. It was a fun experience and also a great opportunity for College Forward to collaborate with other AmeriCorps organizations.

Christi and Xenia posing with their puppets
And to complete the week, on Wednesday there was another opportunity for AmeriCorps members and alumni to get together at Sky High Zone Trampoline Park. Participants were able to jump around and have a good time! And on Thursday, there was a volunteer opportunity for AmeriCorps members at the Houston Food Bank. Overall, it was a successful week and it definitely brought more awareness to the public on AmeriCorps!

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