Monday, April 30, 2012

Houston International Festival

It was a busy weekend in Houston as it was the annual Houston International Festival that takes place every April for two weekends! This year I-Fest spotlighted the country Argentina!

Performers at International Festival

Performers at Internationl Festival

The Houston International Festival is put on every year by the non-profit organization called the Houston Festival Foundation. The revenue made from this event goes towards future festivals and towards art and education programs that reach nearly one million students in the Greater Houston area.

Harry and Natalie showing off their salsa moves!
Both coaches and students volunteered at the event (free admission and t-shirt if you do!) and had a great time! Afterwards they were able to explore the grounds and devour the delicious food. Coach Teanna had two Jamaicans patties filled with spiced beef, snow cone, fresh squeezed lemonade, beignets, and gelato. Coach Xenia had grilled beef on a skewer dipped in some delicious Sang Sang sauce, corn on the cob drizzled in butter and seasoning, fried Oreos and lemon sorbet. While Harry had Jamaican beef patties, skewered chicken, snow cone, Italian ice, and beignets. Overall, it was a successful event and a College Forward favorite!

Friday, April 27, 2012

What is the Dress Code like at College Forward?

Coach Ken and Qiji reppin' the College Forward t-shirts
For the most part, College Forward coaches must wear their College Forward t-shirts. Ken is featured in the new green on black design while Qiji is wearing the original grey shirt. The days that the coaches go to the schools, they must wear their shirts with long pants and closed toe shoes.

Maria featured in the CoFo hoodie
Coaches and staff may also wear the College Forward hoodie both at the schools and in the office. They are super comfortable!

Harry and Teanna in proper dress code
On office days, coaches may dress in casual apparel however, there are a few ground rules:
  • There must be no visible tattoos or facial piercings. If one does have their ears pierced, it is limited to three piercings per ear.
  • Shorts, skirts, and dresses may be no higher than five inches above the knee
  • Clothing shall not bear messages promoting, expressing, or suggesting sex, drugs, violence, alcohol, overt political affiliations, or obscenities
  • Mustaches and beards are permitted however, they must be neatly trimmed and well-groomed
  • Clothing must also not be worn too tightly or too loosely. Spaghetti strap, halter tops, or tank tops with less than two inches in width are not acceptable professional attire.
Other than that, College Forward has pretty casual dress code!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Coach Profile- Natalie Hanson

Coach Natalie at MLK Service Day
  • Where are you originally from?
    • Minnesota. But I wish I was from Mexico. Seriously.
  • Where did you graduate from? What did you major in?
    • I graduated from the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities where I majored in Physiology.
  • What brought you to College Forward?
    • I wanted to do AmeriCorps and I wanted to work directly with people and have more of a relationship instead of doing opportunities where it would be just a "desk job."
  • What is your favorite thing about working here?
    • The people such as my students and co-workers.
  • If you could describe College Forward in 5 words, what would they be?
    • Challenging, creative, laughter, accomplishment, and dedication
  • What has been your biggest accomplishment at College Forward thus far?
    • Helping my 40+ students get into college
  • What is your favorite thing about living in Houston?
    • In Minnesota they don't sell papaya at the grocery store and they sell it here! So I love that Houston has papaya!
  • What is your favorite food?
    • SHIPLEY'S!!!  Xenia introduced me to their donuts and now I am obsessed.
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
    • Everything. My latest craze is Bassa Nova
  • What is your favorite place to go in Houston?
    • The Galleria. Specifically Sephora in The Galleria.
  • Do you have any talents or hobbies?
    • I like to sing and cook. I'm also a dancer.
  • What is your favorite restaurant in Houston?
    • My house!
  • And last but not least- what advice would you give to future coaches?
    • Read a lot of news, media, self-help books- whatever you can do to make yourself a really interesting person with lots to talk about so as to really entertain and engage your kids!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Welcome Jerrel Xavier Brown!

On Wednesday April 18th, Coach Melba gave birth to her BEAUTIFUL baby boy- Jerrel Xavier Brown. At 7lbs 2oz Jerrel is a happy, healthy newborn. Congrats to the new mommy!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What is the Weekly Schedule like at College Forward Houston?

Senior Coach Christi Garza hard at work!

  • 9:00 AM Eisenhower coaches arrive at CoFo office and prepare for class
  • 11:00 AM Lee and Sterling coaches arrive at CoFo office and prepare for class
  • 1:45 PM Eisenhower coaches leave for class
  • 2:15 PM Lee and Sterling coaches leave for class
  • 3:00 PM Eisenhower/Lee/Sterling classes begin
  • 4:30 PM Lee and Sterling classes end
  • 5:00 PM Eisenhower classes end
  • 6:00-7:30 PM Evening College Forward class at Lee and Sterling
  • 9:00 AM All coaches arrive at College Forward office
  • 10:00 AM Tuesday weekly staff meeting begins
  • 11:00 AM Staff meeting ends
  • 11:00 AM- 5:30 PM Coaches take care of a variety of tasks- have bi-monthly one-on-one meeting with their High School Program Manager, update student files, work on journal entries, etc.
  • 7:30 AM- 4:00 PM Lee and Sterling coaches arrive at their respective high school and have one-on-one meetings with their students during school hours
  • 9:00 AM Eisenhower coaches arrive to College Forward office and prepare for class
  • 1:45 PM Eisenhower coaches leave for class
  • 3:00-5:00 PM Eisenhower College Forward classes
  • 7:30 AM-4:00 PM Eisenhower coaches arrive at school and have one-on-one meetings with their students during school hours
  • 11:00 AM Lee and Sterling coaches arrive to College Forward office and prepare for class
  • 2:15 PM Lee and Sterling coaches leave for class
  • 3:00-4:30 PM College Forward class at Lee and Sterling High School
  • 6:00-7:30 PM Evening College Forward class at Lee and Sterling High School
  • 9:00 AM All coaches arrive at College Forward Office
  • 11:00 AM High School Program Meeting begins
  • 12:00 PM High School Program Meeting ends
  • 1:30-4:00 PM Work group meetings take place (Some examples of the many work groups at College Forward Houston- C201, End of Year Celebration, ACT Diagnostic, AmeriCorps Awareness, etc.)

** The biggest difference between Eisenhower and Lee/Sterling High School is that Lee/Sterling CoFo kids have the option of attending an evening class. This allows students, who are busy with other after school activities, to attend other club meetings and then go to College Forward at 6 PM. Additionally, the other big difference is that Eisenhower has class Mondays and Wednesdays with office hours on Thursdays while Lee/Sterling has class on Mondays and Thursdays with office hours on Wednesdays.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Student Profile- Kishon Joseph

Sterling High School Junior Student Kishon Joseph
Kishon Joseph is the student profile of the week! He is a junior at Baytown Sterling High School and is a very active student within his school and neighborhood community. He is a part of the Sterling High School Band, Key Club, and Student Council and he also volunteers at his church and the American Red Cross. Three cheers for Kishon!

Here is our interview with our star student:
  • Why did you join College Forward?
    • I joined College Forward because I knew it would be one more way to help me get into college.
  • What do you love about the organization?
    • It gives you opportunities to learn more about college that many kids don't have.
  • What is the best quality in your College Forward coach?
    • My coach Qiji is very knowledgeable about colleges and gets my confidence up when I think I can't get into one of them.
  • What school are you planning to attend next year and what are you going to major in?
    • I plan on attending Texas A&M University College Station while majoring in pre-vet.
  • Do you have any hobbies or talents?
    • I love to play basketball and I am a great saxophone player.
  • What advice would you give to future coaches?
    • Have a lot of fun with the kids.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Coach Profile- Teanna Harris

Eisenhower Junior College Coach: Teanna Harris
  • Where are you originally from?
    • I am originally from Portland, Oregon but was raised in Houston, Texas.
  • Where did you graduate from and what did you major in?
    • I graduated from Texas A&M University WHOOP!
  • What brought you to College Forward?
    • I came to College Forward with the hopes of affecting young people much like myself when I was in high school, students who are not particularly familiar with or exposed to the process of getting into college but are determined to succeed in that process.
  • What is your favorite thing about working here?
    • My favorite thing has ABSOLUTELY got to be working with my students, the highlight of each week is spending those four hours in a classroom directly with my students, hearing about their week and their ever evolving dreams and aspirations as they plan their future.
  • If you could describe College Forward in 5 words, what would they be?
    • Evolving, fun, committed, supportive, and challenging.
  • What has been your biggest accomplishment at College Forward thus far?
    • My greatest accomplishment thus far has been helping my students expand their notion of what college has to offer them, and assisting them in whatever way I can to bring that dream or goal to fruition.
  • What is your favorite thing about living in Houston?
    • I love the parks in Houston, on one of our many beautiful days I enjoy just taking my dog for a walk or having lunch in the park with a friend.
  • What is your favorite food?
    • I absolutely love Italian food and there are so many great options in Houston for all types of cuisine.
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
    • I really enjoy hip hop and soul music, I occasionally mix it up with some country music.
  • What is your favorite place to go in Houston?
    • I often visit the museums and the zoo in Houston, I am still very much a child on the inside so the Children's Museum has to be my favorite.
  • Do you have any talents or hobbies?
    • I have a talent for shopping...which could also be my hobby but in my spare time I really enjoy reading a good book or going for a swim
  • What is your favorite restaurant in Houston?
    • I really love Grande Luxe and Ruggles on the Green, the food is fresh and delicious and they have so many options, they are both also located in shopping centers, coincidence I think not.
  • And last but not least- what advice would you give to future coaches?
    • Make your students' goals your goals for your time with College Forward, commit yourself to their success and achievements and you will feel that you have served your term successfully and your students will benefit greatly from your commitment to them.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Where to Live in Houston? - Baytown

Poolside at Camden Baytown

AmeriCorps VISTA Harry's apartment
  • Why did you choose to live at Camden Baytown apartments?
    • I chose to live at the Camden Baytown because it's seven minutes from the College Forward Houston office and it's a nice gated apartment complex.
  • How long have you lived there?
    • I've lived there for five months.
  • What are a few things you like about the complex?
    • I like that there is a business center with internet access, a swimming pool, and a fitness room with all nice equipment.
  • What are a few things you do not like the complex?
    • It's hard to meet people my age at the complex.
  • What are your neighbors like?
    • I have a diverse set of neighbors that I barely see because most of them are from Baytown and really don't need to interact with others. They have family all over the community.
  • How much does it cost to live there?
    • Prices vary greatly. I live in a two bedroom apartment with another roommate and I pay $414 in rent and around $90 a month in utilities. This includes water, light, and cable. Unfortunately, no internet.
  • If some of our future Houstonians have more questions, would you mind if they contacted you?
Check out the apartment website:

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Birthday to Becky Fowler!

Becky Fowler in action!
Happy Birthday to High School Program Manager- Becky Fowler! Thanks for everything and we wish you many more!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Student Profile- Joseph Martin

Eisenhower Senior Joseph Martin
Joseph Martin is the student profile of the week! He is a senior at Eisenhower High School and is excited to attend college this fall. Joseph has one of the best College Forward attendance records amongst the Eisenhower seniors and on top of his College Forward participation he is also involved in Technology Student Association, International Culture Club, and Band. He also dedicates much of his time volunteering as he has completed 300 volunteer hours at the after school program at Shotwell Academy. Three cheers for Joseph!!!

Here is the interview we had with our star student:

  • Why did you join College Forward?
    • Because I felt that it was a great opportunity to better myself and to better prepare myself for college.
  • What do you love most about the organization?
    • The fact that it gives you help in the college process and it follows you up until you get a bachelor's degree
  • What is the best quality in your College Forward coach?
    • My coach is Natalie and I like that she is friendly, energetic, and helpful.
  • What school are you planning to attend next year and what are you going to major in?
    • I am going to attend Texas A&M University- College Station! Gig' em! And I am going to major in Computer Science.
  • Do you have any hobbies or talents?
    • I am a work out fanatic. Currently I am trying out Insanity Asylum and it is definitely a wear and tear on your body.
  • What advice would you give to future coaches?
    • Have fun and do the best you can to make your future students feel comfortable around you.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Torchy's Tacos

Coach Jessica and Natalie in front of Torchy's Tacos
Coach Xenia's chicken fajita tacos doused in rojo sauce!

The other weekend College Forward coaches went out to eat at the legendary Torchy's Tacos. It is a DELICIOUS eatery that is located within the 610 loop at Shepherd near Westheimer. Torchy's originally started in Austin, TX and has since expanded to Dallas and more recently Houston. They specailize in unique tacos at a very decent price as their tacos range from $3.25-$4.75. Customers can also try the green chile queso and chips, the "Nookies" (which are deep fried cookie dough balls!) and Maine Root soda. Overall, it is a favorite spot amongst the CoFo Houston crew so be sure to check it out!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sky High Sports

From L-R: Harry, Xenia, Teanna, Spiderman, and Trey
Cofo coaches and AmeriCorps VISTA members decided to "bounce" it out last Friday by going to Sky High Sports- a trampoline park located in West Houston. For $10 you get an hour of bounce time where you can jump on a trampoline the size of a football field, do double flips into a foam pit, or participate in a trampoline dodgeball game. It's tons of fun and a great workout too! It was also Teanna's boyfriend's birthday and the Cofo crew sported costumes for his costume party!

Check out the site: