Friday, April 27, 2012

What is the Dress Code like at College Forward?

Coach Ken and Qiji reppin' the College Forward t-shirts
For the most part, College Forward coaches must wear their College Forward t-shirts. Ken is featured in the new green on black design while Qiji is wearing the original grey shirt. The days that the coaches go to the schools, they must wear their shirts with long pants and closed toe shoes.

Maria featured in the CoFo hoodie
Coaches and staff may also wear the College Forward hoodie both at the schools and in the office. They are super comfortable!

Harry and Teanna in proper dress code
On office days, coaches may dress in casual apparel however, there are a few ground rules:
  • There must be no visible tattoos or facial piercings. If one does have their ears pierced, it is limited to three piercings per ear.
  • Shorts, skirts, and dresses may be no higher than five inches above the knee
  • Clothing shall not bear messages promoting, expressing, or suggesting sex, drugs, violence, alcohol, overt political affiliations, or obscenities
  • Mustaches and beards are permitted however, they must be neatly trimmed and well-groomed
  • Clothing must also not be worn too tightly or too loosely. Spaghetti strap, halter tops, or tank tops with less than two inches in width are not acceptable professional attire.
Other than that, College Forward has pretty casual dress code!

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